Monday, September 13, 2010

Day trip number 2!

After a pretty crap week which included having to work on my birthday (something I promised myself I would never do), I decided to try to make the most of it, use my chipkaart and get the hell out of Dodge.

RFID card with an electronic purse.
You add money to the card and pay as you go.
Much easier than paper ticket cards (strippenkaart)

Leaving Eindhoven
Here are the rules.
Eindhoven is a transit hub but not an international one.
You need to go to Utrecht or Venlo to get out of Holland.
Just past Helmond
QR-based ads are all over the place here
Halfway there
Are you reading this sign without valid fare?
It'll cost you €40!
A very German way to travel. Yes, it's totally fine.
They drink beer like soda; it's normal to see someone walking down the street with a beer in hand.
Transfer point. I decided to wander around here for a bit.
Big. Mistake. (more later)

inside the train station
I wasn't joking about the beer thing.
Not sure what this building is but I liked it
oooh pretty (inside Media Markt)
This is what I was on a mission for.
In the German version, Sally is voiced by Nina Hagen.
As I said, it was a mistake.  I went to Media Markt for this...
...and left with this.
Old rail bridge
Almost there...
Made it!
HBF Düsseldorf
here's the rest of it
Local wildlife
DFR sign outside the train station
"Place of German Unity"
Fountain on Friedrich-Ebert-Straße
From the front
Church at Martin Luther Platz
Statue in Martin Luther Platz
Statue in Martin Luther Platz
The same, from the front
Closer shot of the church.
The whole thing
Main statue facing the church
Well, I thought it was interesting.
Statue at the end of the canal
Light posts on the bridge over the canal
This guy tried to muscle his way in but they weren't having any of that.
It's nice to see little bit of home
The 20th anniversary of the Reunification is coming up.
There is a national tour running up to the actual anniversary (3 October)
Bands, displays, speeches, etc.
It's also the 400th birthday of Düsseldorf
Sculpture and art around every corner, almost literally well as churches
Many of the streets are cobblestone
One of the best bands you've probably never heard.
The More You Know.
I couldn't work out why it had a power cord.

I will definitely be back.  So far it's the European city I like most. And I can't tell you how nice it was to actually understand everyone (and be understood myself!).

Tot ziens!


  1. I'll get you one, if you want. Subtitled in six languages!

  2. Yes please!! I will send you moneys! <3 <3 <3

  3. Surprise, I have heard WIR SIND HELDEN before. My daughter has a couple of CDs and she played this band for me one time when she had me captive in the car on a long drive. After 10 minutes the music had me tapping my knee and bouncing my leg. When I wasn't pressing the invisible brake, of course.
